Gain access to a multi six-figure,  vetted Showit Design Partner with over a decade of experience

For established wedding business owners who are ready to leave their 9-5 job and take their business to the next level, but aren't ready to invest in brand and web design.

This is the community for you.

go from 9-5'er to full time pro

join the exclusive membership

I see you friend! You are ready to take your "hobby business" and make it a legit one. I'm talking getting your LLC, choosing consistent brand colors, and redoing your website so that it is TOP NOTCH. Amiright?!

You might be:
  • Working a 9-5 job AND your side gig
  • Ready to leave said job and make your side gig a full time job
  • Or maybe you've already turned your job into a full time one but you need a bangin' website to get new clients

The BTS Business Truth:

All of us go on the scary, but exciting entrepreneur path because we love what we do, BUT...we aren't necessarily "business people" who know how to accomplish all the other "business things" that make a business actually successful.

I'm confident you have the passion and willingness to take your business to that next success level. You just need some help from a dedicated pro who has been in your shoes.

Create a brand and website that works for you with expert help

Throughout the process, Katie provided invaluable guidance and direction, helping me make informed decisions that ultimately contributed to the success of the project.

jenni davies

I know you may have  had these thoughts recently...

I'm so tired of trying to build a brand and website on my own, but designers are expensive.

I understand the concept of an ideal client, but I'm not sure how to put them into words.

Showit is cool and all, but it is not as easy as I thought it would be.

If I could just ask a designer a few questions I could get the help I need to FINISH my website.

I've been doing this a while,
so I know you.

The R&I Membership is the starting place for making your business dreams come true.
With it you get...


Join others who are just as lost as you are! Ha! Okay, maybe not lost, but definitely needing some help in the Showit website and branding department.

An Expert Bestie!

I have been in business full time over a decade making multi six figure incomes. I'm all about helping others succeed with the experience and knowledge in brand and web design I have gained over the years.


The membership includes access to my Showit Customization Course, live calls every month, marketing materials, one on one feedback from me, and more.

" I never doubted that Katie cared as much about my brand as I did." 

vivant rentals

Here's what your six-month membership looks like...

  • Two live calls a month via Zoom on a variety of topics w/ Q&A for you to deep dive with me (you can even share your screen!)
  • Access to the Showit Customization Course via Thrivecart
  • Enrollment in a private Facebook group with me and other members to ask questions and get feedback
  • Marketing video resources to learn about different mediums like Pinterest, Instagram, sales calls, and more via Thrivecart
  • All my must have tool recommendations
  • A current assessment of your brand / website via a Loom video
  • Outlines for writing text on your website
  • Guidance on setting up Google Analytics and Search Console so you can actually track people on your website
  • Tips on writing blog posts
  • Discounts on my brand and web design services

the deets

join now!

the benefits

Money saved

You save money by not investing in a custom brand and website you aren't ready for yet.

join the community

More time

You can use your time more efficiently by getting community support and expert help to learn how to do things.


Gain clarity and confidence with what to include on your website that makes sense and really figuring out your ideal people so you don't have to have a business identity crisis every year.

Ready to gain clarity and get some expert help?

LET’S DO THIS - join the membership