Building brands + websites with intention for creatives

Ribbon & Ink is a full service branding studio that works with small creative businesses to create brands with strategy and beautiful, purposeful content-driven websites to go with them. 

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Branding / Web design / website / photographer website / custom website / website ideas/ website inspiration / Brand board / brand design / custom logo / photographer brand / photographer logo / color palette / logo design / rebrand / branding for wedding businesses / branding for wedding photographers / branding for wedding planners

Business, Tips

You Have to Spend Money to Make Money

Remember that old saying “you have to spend money to make money”? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately after asking people on Instagram what holds them back from rebranding. Everyone, mainly women wedding photographers and wedding planners, had the same response: money. I know branding is not cheap. Let’s talk about this shall […]

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Branding for photographers #brand #brands #branding #logo #logos #design #webdesign #website #photographer #photography #event #planner #planning #wedding #blog #pretty #romantic #beautiful #font #inspiration #color / brand design / brand idea / color palette / web design / brand designer / brand inspiration

1 Hour Design Challenge, Branding

One Hour Design Challenge: Cadence Donahue

I am loving this new blog series I created to showcase made up wedding vendor logos and websites. The One Hour Design Challenge is to show how you all how I start with one inspirational image then create a logo and website from it. I often get downtime while waiting for feedback from my own […]

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Full Branding Follow Up with Amy Ekren Photography

I always like to follow up with my full branding wedding vendor clients soon after working with me to see how people have received their new brands and get feedback. I recently followed up with Minnesota wedding photographer Amy Ekren to ask her a few questions post launch and here is what she said. How […]

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1 Hour Design Challenge

New Blog Series: 1 Hour Design Challenge!

I’ve been toying around with a new blog series (I don’t have any really!) where I take my love for branding for wedding vendors and find one image to use as inspiration, then create a logo, and website, well just the home page. I often find myself just designing logos for fun in my down […]

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Logo & Brand Board for DC Wedding Planner TreBella Events

I’m having a blast with my current full branding wedding planner client, TreBella Events. Shawn is an amazingly talented Washington D.C. and Annapolis based wedding planner and floral designer who came to me with a serious need of a rebrand as she hadn’t touched her brand in nearly a decade! Her brand is a bit […]

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Business, Tips

Why I Keep It Real With My Clients

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends! Today I wanted to share why I keep it real with my clients. I mainly do branding for women wedding businesses and it would be a disservice to them if I held back my honest thoughts. If you don’t already know my background is […]

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Branding for photographers #brand #brands #branding #logo #logos #design #webdesign #website #photographer #photography #event #planner #planning #wedding #blog #pretty #romantic #beautiful #font #inspiration #color / brand design / brand idea / color palette / web design / brand designer / brand inspiration


Styled Brand Images for California Wedding Planner Detailed Touch Events

I have the best clients and California wedding planner Detailed Touch Events is no exception! She is one of my full branding clients and together we are creating a beautiful, romantic, pink, gold, and neutral brand for her fairly new business. Hailey is a mompreneur who is super on top of things and I love […]

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Branding for photographers #brand #brands #branding #logo #logos #design #webdesign #website #photographer #photography #event #planner #planning #wedding #blog #pretty #romantic #beautiful #font #inspiration #color / brand design / brand idea / color palette / web design / brand designer / brand inspiration


Brand Board for California Wedding Planner Detailed Touch Events

I love me a good pink brand! Can you tell from my own brand? I’ve had a great time with my latest full branding wedding planner client Hailey of Detailed Touch Events. She is a California wedding planner with lots of drive and beautiful work! Hailey is such a great boss lady and her brand […]

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Branding, Launch

Brand Launch for Long Island Wedding Planner L. Marie Events

Happy LAUNCH day to Long Island wedding planner L. Marie Events! Lisa Marie has a team of two other ladies to complete their boutique wedding planning studio in Long Island, New York. Lisa Marie was a full branding client who wanted a soft, romantic, and feminine look. In fact she told me she loved my […]

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Branding / Web design / website / photographer website / custom website / website ideas/ website inspiration / Brand board / brand design / custom logo / photographer brand / photographer logo / color palette / logo design / rebrand

Branding, Tips

4 Reasons You’re Ready for a Rebrand

Well four months after baby 2 and I’m finally getting back into the blogging game! This post is something near and dear to my heart. Lots of small creative businesses go through change and the desire to rebrand because of that change. But, how do you know you’re ready for a rebrand? Here are my […]

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